Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Writer Interviews

One thing I've always wanted to do with this blog is writer interviews. Since I'm still on the journey to become published, I'd love to interview those who are also on that adventure or have already traveled the path to publication. I'd love to learn from their experiences and share it with my followers.

As luck would have it, two friends have volunteered to be my guinea pig in this arena. One of them has self-published two books and one is working on her first book. I've kicked over some questions and can't wait to see their responses!

How about you guys? What kinds of questions would you like to see me asked of those who are published and those who are not?


  1. What inspires you?
    Which of your characters do you most relate to?
    Why self publish? Why not?

    And if you need another self published author to interview, I’d love to do it!

  2. Do you ever get emotionally involved in your writing?
    What author has inspired you the most?
    What do you hope your readers feel upon completing your novel?

  3. Both are great suggestions. Thank you!

  4. I'm published via CreateSpace and Amazon Kindle--those are two great ways to self publish. CS also provides you and ISBN as well.

  5. How do you overcome thoughts of insecurity when publishing your first book?


  6. I write a lot and for several different audiences. I find if I'm just myself and let it flow, it works best. But, good questions to ask the powers that be might be what do you do when you get stuck on a train of thought or overwhelmed with the best order to present your information?

  7. Wishing James all the best - keep us posted!

  8. Ask them if their ideas start with plot or character.

  9. Is any kind of music helpful when you are writing, or do you need silence ?

  10. Who do they write for, James. Themselves, or a specific audience?

  11. What inspires you to write?
    Why learn about self-publishing?
    How do you intend to market your self published work?
