Monday, April 27, 2015

2015 A to Z Challenge: W for Wildebeast, etc.

For this year's A to Z challenge, I thought I'd have a little fun. So the theme this year is laughter. My friend, Serene Heiner, started a trend by manipulating my cover from Pushing the Wall and making it appear that I'm calmly running away from things. It's taken on a life of its own and I've got enough for each letter, with some left over.

I'll also add other things that make me laugh starting with each letter.

Letter W is for Wildebeast.

Other things that start with W that make me laugh.

The letter W is for Weekends (Happy Monday, by the way).

The letter W is for Wet floor warnings.

The letter W is for Willie Wonka.

The letter W is for dressing up for Wal-Mart.

The letter W is for Waling into Mordor.

 The letter W is for figuring out Who is on first base.

The letter W is for borrowing Wi-Fi.

The letter W is for hidden Windows settings.

The letter W is for Wolverine...
 ...or Batman?

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